The Language Works ~ Basic English ~ Lesson 3

Section One ~ Basic-Talk 103 ~ Meeting People ~ Role Play Practice ~


A) How was your visit with your friend/aunt/grandpa (choose someone)?


B) It was OK. We met at______________________________________ .


A) What did you do there?


B) We_________________________ and ________________________ .


A) Did you have a good time?


B) No, not at all/Well, it wasn't bad/Same as always/We had a blast (choose).


A) Tell me about it (try to make a short story as the events occurred over time).


B1) Well, first of all, we____________________________________.

B2) Then we_____________________________________________.

B3) After that, we____________________________________________.

B4) Finally, we_______________________________________________.


A) When will you meet them again?


B) Probably_____________________________________________.


A) What will you do?


B) I don't know, maybe we will________________________________.




"Them" can be used to refer to an unknown gender (male or female).

Example: "When the customer comes, give them a drink."

"You" can be used to refer to one person or everyone in general.

Example: "First you crack the eggs, then you beat them with a fork."



Section Two ~ Form-Talk 103 ~ Past Tense Verbs ~ Dialogue Practice ~


Past tense verbs are used to talk about events beginning and ending in the past.


Question forms:

1) Did + noun/pronoun + simple present verb + phrase

    Example: Did you get an e-mail/any e-mails yesterday?


2) Wh question + did + noun/pronoun + simple present verb + phrase

    Example: Who did you get an e-mail from yesterday?



~ Examples: Read and study the samples. Make your own answers.


Choose questions and write answers (recommended). Discuss with a partner or as a class.


Q1: Did you watch TV yesterday? When? What programs?

I browsed the selections on Netflix, but I watched most of them. Time for a change.


Q2: Who did you meet last weekend? What did you do?

I met a government official at a café just by accident. We shook hands and smiled.


Q3: What did you eat for breakfast? Did you cook it?

I prepared avocado, tomatoes, onions, balsamic vinegar, and olive oil. No cooking.


Q4: Where did you go last Saturday? Who with?

I went paragliding with my nephew on the alps. Not really. I just stayed home.


Q5: How many times did you clean your home last month?

I cleaned it a few times. But I cleaned a hundred homes last month because that's my job.


Q6: What did you do on your last birthday?

I didn't eat cake. No candles. I travelled to a beach resort in Morocco and met my people.


Q7: Did you take a bus yesterday? Where did you go?

I took the 109 to a place where my family used to go back in the day. I had a sandwich.


Q8: Who did you meet in elementary school? Are you still friends?

I first met my girlfriend in sixth grade. We dated all through school. Now, we are married.


Q9: What did you buy yesterday? Where?

I bought cigarettes and a six pack of beer, ramen, potato chips, and some chocolate.


Q10: Where did you go on your last holiday? Who with?

I went to the beach with my in-laws. We ate raw fish and the children played in the water.



List of past tense verbs (regular ed and irregular or other than ed):


ate   drank   cooked   brushed   ran   walked   smiled   laughed   cried   

went   came   wrote   studied   took  washed   combed   opened   closed  

sat   stood   shared   brought   read   sang   listened   counted   had  

drew   played   thought   called  met   talked   told   gave   said   slept  

got up   woke up   watched   imagined   discovered   built   made   left







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~ Make a Lesson ~ As You Like ~ Suggestions ~


Pre-Lesson Diary-Talk: Each student takes a turn at the beginning of class


1) In the first section, fill in the blanks, then practice your role plays on your own.


2) Then, as a class, in groups, or in pairs, perform the role plays you have created.


3) After that, perform your role play in class with a partner/several partners.


4) Finally, challenge yourself by performing the role play with no written cues.


5) In the second section, briefly discuss the form as a class. Avoid over-analysis.


6) Select any questions from the list. Practice (with a partner) then in front of the class.


7) You may wish to discuss the form (section two) before the role play (section one).