The Language Works ~ Fun English ~ Lesson 19

Section One ~ Basic-Talk 119 ~ Talking About Shopping ~ Role Play Practice ~


A) Where do you sometimes have to queue up or stand in line?


B) Let¡¯s see, ____________________________________________ .


A) What do you do while you are waiting?


B) I sometimes __________________________________________ .


A) When you are shopping, do you like someone to help you out?


B) _____________________________________________________ .

(Yes. I like assistance from the clerk/No. I like shopping on my own/Case by case.)


A) Do you like shopping in supermarkets, department stores, or shopping malls?


B) _____________________________________________________ .

(I don't like supermarkets, but malls are fun/Any shopping is good shopping.)


A) Do you ever try to bring down the price, I mean haggle for a bargain?


B) _________________________________________________________ .

(Yes, I usually/sometimes/always do that/No, I never do that/Only when I need to.)


A) What do you buy online? What percentage of your shopping is online?


B) ________________________________________________________ .

(I always buy large items online/I really don¡¯t like to shop online/About ___ percent.)





Generally, "Queue up" = British English and "Stand in line" = North American English





Section Two ~ Form-Talk 119 ~ Phrasal Verbs 1 ~ Dialogue Practice ~


1) Phrasal verbs are composed of two or three words.

2) They usually have a meaning different from those two or three words separately.

3) They are often used in everyday speech and have this form:


phrasal verb = verb + adverb/preposition/noun


Example questions:


Q1: Where do people sometimes have to queue up/ line up? How long?

Popular restaurants. It's amazing how long people are willing to wait for a meal.


Q2: Do you watch when the cashier rings up your items? Why?

No. I'm usually too busy arranging the items in my bags. Costco is a nightmare.


Q3: What is usually sold out during your favorite holiday? Do you notice?

Dunkin Donuts. On most holidays the selection is meager. An unintentional diet.


Q4: Who do you like to shop around with? Why?

I like to shop around with people with lots of money. Someone rolling in cash.


Q5: How much time do you compare prices in supermarkets? Why/Why not?

Minimal. I check the reduced prices (vegies) and choose quality with other products.


Q6: Have you ever tried out a car or any other 2nd hand item? Did you buy it?

I tried out a motorcycle in high school. It was a Honda. I bought it. It was 500 bucks.


Q7: Have you ever turned down an offer? What were the circumstances?

I turned down a job teaching kindergarten. Ummm¡¦ It was too "audio-intensive".


Q8: How often do you try on clothes? Where? Is it stress free?

When I buy clothes at a tailor shop I get measured. Then, I should try them on.


Q9: Is it difficult to pick out gifts for family and friends? Explain.

Yes. It's a burden to second guess what people will enjoy. I buy them dinner instead.


Q10: Are you able to bring down the price if you haggle? Tell a tale.

All the time. Vegetables on the street. I usually get an extra onion or tomato if I smile.




Make some of your own questions using this form¡¦







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~ Make a Lesson ~ As You Like ~ Suggestions ~


Pre-Lesson Journal-Talk: Each student takes a turn at the beginning of class


1) In the first section, fill in the blanks, then practice your role plays on your own.


2) Then, as a class, in groups, or in pairs, perform the role plays you have created.


3) After that, perform your role play in class with a partner/several partners.


4) Finally, challenge yourself by performing the role play with no written cues.


5) In the second section, briefly discuss the form as a class. Avoid over-analysis.


6) Select two questions from the list. Practice with a partner, then in front of the class.


7) You may wish to discuss the form (section two) before the role play (section one).