The Language Works ~ Fun English ~ Lesson 21

Section One ~ Basic-Talk 121 ~ Comparing Pastimes ~ Role Play Practice ~


A) What¡¯s the difference between a pastime and a hobby?


B) They are similar. Maybe hobbies are less social and done in people¡¯s spare time.


A) Then, what about pastimes. Are they more social and less to do with personal time?  


B Yes. Chess and other games, bowling¡¦ Yet, both can be sports. Definitions are flexible.


A) I see. In your view, which pastime is the best or the worst?


B) The best is ________________ . The worst is ________________________ .

(probably sports/certainly chess/cooking and eating/going to the beach/jogging/reading.)


A) Do you have regular meetings with friends for your pastimes?


B) ____________________________________________________ .

(Yes. We always meet for coffee and chat/Sometimes we go hiking/Not regular, no.)


A) Is it worse to have an unhealthy pastime (like drinking) than no pastime at all?


B) _______________________________________________________ .

(Socializing is essential for us. We sometimes need it. Moderate drinking can be healthy.)


A) What pastimes or hobbies do your friends or family like?


B) Well... ______________________________________________________ .

(My uncle is a chess fanatic/My mom always plays badminton/My grandpa takes naps.)


A) Is there a pastime (or hobby) you¡¯d like to begin doing now?


B) Well¡¦ ______________________________________________________ .

(Maybe swimming or volleyball/I want to learn piano/No. I¡¯m happy with what I do.)




Section Two ~ Form-Talk 21 ~ Adjectives for Comparison ~ Dialogue Practice ~


Farther/Further: They can be used interchangeably. You can't make a mistake


1) Good   ~   Better   ~   Best

Which is better, _______ or _______ .    b) What is the best way to ________________ . 


2) Bad   ~   Worse   ~   Worst

Which is worse, __________ or ___________ .    b) What is the worst way to __________ . 


3) Far   ~   Farther (distance)/further (more/effort)   ~   Farthest/furthest

Which is farther, __________ or ___________ .     b) What is the furthest _____________ .


Farther/Farthest: "What is the farthest you have ever run?" (distance)

Further/Furthest: "What is the furthest you would go to ask for a date?" (more effort)



Example questions:


Q1: Which is more fun, playing online games or playing board games? Explain.

Neither. Online games are annoying and violent and board games are, well, boring.


Q2: Is it better to travel in your own country or travel abroad? Give your opinion.

Both are good. Travel abroad when you have time and money. Otherwise, do domestic.


Q3: If you had a party, what would be the worst thing that could happen? Why?

The worst thing¡¦ No one showed up. Don't have a party if you don't have friends.


Q4: What is the farthest distance a friend or family member lives from you now?

My mom lives farther than my sister, but my sis is the furthest thing in my mind.


Q5: Which is worse, being late for work or being late to a wedding or funeral? Tell.

All are OK. People attach to much attention to time. "Let it Be" as someone said.


Q6: Which is better, living in the country or living in the city? Give your opinion.

People who like the city often benefit financially, but country living offers a calm life.


Q7: What¡¯s the best place or places for you to live in retirement? Explain.

We will move to Guam. We have a Timeshare accommodation 6 months per year.


Q8: Which is better on Sundays, staying home and relaxing or going out? Tell.

Going out. We always spend the day hiking, eating, drinking, and meeting friends.


Q9: What is the worst or best experience you have had studying English? Why?

Best experience was on my own. Watching "On the Waterfront" with Marlon Brando.

Q10: What is the furthest thing from your mind right now? Explain.

Whatever I think of comes into my mind¡¦ I don't think I can answer that question.


Make some of your own questions using this form.


Notes: Using doubt or uncertainty


I don¡¯t know, maybe I/they/we would ________________ . 







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~ Make a Lesson ~ As You Like ~ Suggestions ~


Pre-Lesson Journal-Talk: Each student takes a turn at the beginning of class


1) In the first section, fill in the blanks, then practice your role plays on your own.


2) Then, as a class, in groups, or in pairs, perform the role plays you have created.


3) After that, perform your role play in class with a partner/several partners.


4) Finally, challenge yourself by performing the role play with no written cues.


5) In the second section, briefly discuss the form as a class. Avoid over-analysis.


6) Select two questions from the list. Practice with a partner, then in front of the class.


7) You may wish to discuss the form (section two) before the role play (section one).