The Language Works ~ Journal Entries ~ Spencer 2 |
~ TLW ~ Short Essays ~ Let's Discuss ~ Group Two ~ |
S2~2: Who Were the Brothers Grimm?
The Brothers Grimm, Jacob (1785–1863) and Wilhelm (1786–1859), were German academics who collected and published
mainly Germanic folklore. They popularized such stories as "Cinderella", "The Frog Prince", "Hansel and Gretel",
"Little Red Riding Hood", "Rapunzel", "Rumpelstiltskin", "Sleeping Beauty", and "Snow White". A collection of these tales
Was first seen in 1812. Between 1812 and 1857 their first collection was revised and republished many times, growing from
86 stories to more than 200. Perhaps Walt Disney benefitted most from their efforts.
1) Do you know any folktales from your country¡¯s history? Please tell a story.
2) When you were a child, who told you stories or read you books? Tell.
3) Are you old enough to tell stories or read to younger (your) children? What do you read?
4) Do you think folktales play an important role in young people¡¯s development? Tell.
5) Which of the Grimm brother¡¯s folktales do you like best? Explain.
6) Are there any writers in your country who have collected folktales as the Grimm brothers did? Tell.
7) Are there any stories you can share about your grandparents. Why are they important to you?
S2~3: Perhaps We Could be Homeless Too
Let¡¯s face it. Sometimes we have to raise, in discussion, difficult subjects alongside all the best events in our lives.
Anyway. In 2024, an estimated 150 million people worldwide were homeless and as many as 1.6 billion people
lived as squatters, refugees, or in temporary shelters (Wikipedia). When wild fires, earthquakes, or other
natural disasters occur, countless people become homeless. War is worse. I suppose anyone could become homeless.
Wildfires in California and elsewhere and wars in many places can attest to this timeless reality. But could we persevere?
1) Do you think expressing your challenging life experiences to others helps you or not? Explain. See catharsis...
2) Are there any homeless people in your city or country? Where/Why/How/When/Who? Describe.
3) Do you have relatives, past or present, who have had hardships (home, debt, education, depression? Share (or not).
4) What is the worst "personal disaster" or "painful experience" you have experienced. If you feel like it, please tell.
5) What makes you happy when you are blue? What makes you sad when you are happy?
6) Who is someone that can cheer you up? Who do you sometimes cheer up? Give an example.
7) What kind of world disaster are you most worried about? In the midst of this, how do you create a peaceful mind? Explain.
S2~5: The History of Snack Food
"Snacks are more than just little bites between meals – they play a more significant role in today¡¯s society than one might realize. Throughout human history, the content and frequency of meals have always varied. From ancient times, people consumed leftovers and light foods between meals, and those were often sweet and natural foods that required little or no preparation (such as fruit). However, in the 19th-century United States, the interest in snack foods changed. People went from consuming natural foods to consuming prepared commercial snacks with high sugar and salt content. Fast forward to the 21st century, and the snack industry..." The Evolution Of The Snack Foods Industry
1) What foods do you consider snacks? Is peanut butter or jam/jelly a snack even though it¡¯s served as a meal? Explain. 2) What kind of snacks (if any) do you sometimes indulge in? How often do you enjoy snacks. 3) What kind of snacks would you serve at a home/house warming party? How about a birthday party for kids? 4) Do you think there are ingredients in "commercial snacks" have any dangerous elements? What are they? 5) How important to the consumption of commercial snacks are due to advertising? Explain. Do you enjoy these ads? Tell. 6) Tell about the snacks from your parent¡¯s or your childhoods. Are you nostalgic about these? Share a memory. 7) What about children? Do the children in your country consume too many snacks. When and why? Tell. |
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S2~1: The Wonderful Story of Rice
Rice is the seed of many kinds of grasses. "Rice is a cereal grain and in its domesticated form is the staple food of
over half of the world's population, particularly in Asia and Africa¡¦ Asian rice was domesticated in China some 13,500 to 8,200
years ago... " You can see there is some debate over this history as factual. Rice is a rich source of carbohydrates the body's
main fuel source. Carbohydrates can keep you energized and satisfied, and are important for fueling exercise. Brown rice,
especially, is an excellent source of many nutrients¡¦ There are more than 40,000 varieties (Colorado State University).
1) Do you eat rice every day? If not, why not? If so, what do you eat it with? Tell.
2) What is the best recipe to eat with rice? What could be the worst? Explain.
3) What kind of rice do you buy and where do you buy it? Is it expensive?
4) Do you think rice is healthier than grains (like bread products)? What kind of bread do you eat? Tell.
5) Do you ever eat sushi? Where and how often? How is sushi rice different from other forms? Can you taste it?
6) Is rice used in rituals in your country (for example weddings in the US)? Explain.
7) Do you think new genetic forms of rice should be promoted (such as "golden rice")? Talk about it.
S2~4: What does "Retro Style" Mean?
Retro style imitates or copies "lifestyles, trends, or art forms from the past, including in music, modes, fashions, or attitudes."
It is said to be related to nostalgia. Nostolgia itself is a compound word from the Greek language (nostos = return home)
and (algia = longing). Nostogia can be triggered by memories/events, books, poems, movies, TV shows, music, geography,
and even Nature. It is said "retro" is "detached" or without a sense of longing. Examples are clothing fashions, art, or design.
Vintage music can refer to music that was popular in the past. Retro music could be covers of past songs. It¡¯s controversial.
Retro vs. Vintage vs. Antique (YouTube)
1) Do you have any interest in vintage culture in their original forms (music, art, fashion)? Tell.
2) In your country are there any forms of retro style (think about music and fashion)? Explain.
3) Do you have nostalgia for any people, places, or events from your past? Share.
4) Is there anything from your school life (elementary, middle, high, university) that brings back memory? Tell.
5) Are there any family members that collect antiques? What do they have? How about you? Explain.
6) Do you think past forms of culture recur in cycles? For example, could jazz become popular again?
7) Are there any coffee shops or other venues that offer a "retro experience"? Tell about it. |